
Research is an important aspect for us in order to ensure constant innovation. Third-party funded projects allow the development of innovative products and the development of our network of partners in economy and science and at the same time enable us to tap into new markets.  We will gladly provide an overview of our current projects:


For the programme "Forschung für die zivile Sicherheit" ("Research for civil security") we work on a operational support system for fire brigades for the combating of risks aboard a ship.


For the project "Technik stellt sich auf den Menschen ein - Innovative Schnittstellen zwischen Mensch und Technik" ("Technology adapts to humans - Innovative interfaces between human and technology") we develop a multimodal user interface for innovative manual lifting aids.


For a ZIM-Project we work on virtual, interactive and acoustic sound scenes in order to improve audio communication in mobile alarm and emergency control centres.