TETRA Service via E-Mail

RMG9040 provides an interface for bidirectional communication between your corporate e-mail server structure and standard text message service in the TETRA and DMR digital RF networks.

RMG9040 converts e-mail contents to the following message formats (as per RF technology used):

  • SDS (text message with 140 signs, like SMS)
  • Callout (alert message providing sound and display profile, acknowledgement function including response)
  • Immediate message (SDS opens automatically)
  • RMS (status and text prompted in the home display)
  • GPS (link to Google Maps, requires internet access!)
  • GPS (image of the position on the map)

Individual subscribers can be contacted as well as groups.

Potential fields of application:

  • Notification of delivery
  • Transportation jobs
  • Paging system
  • Service jobs
  • and many others


Sven Behrmann
Sven Behrmann
Phone +49 (0) 5031 9548 272
Fax +49 (0) 5031 9548 100